CCS Technology Policy
Dear Parents,
Crosscreek Charter School recognizes the importance of teaching computer skills and using technology as a tool in the classroom. Therefore, your child will be given many opportunities to use technology in the learning process. It is important that they learn to use it responsibly and effectively. Please review the attached CCS Technology Use Policy with your child and return this signed document.
We understand that our younger students may not understand computer viruses, networking, or computer hacking, but we still ask that you go over this document with them to the best of your ability. We will also review these rules with them in a way that is developmentally appropriate to help them better understand the safe and ethical use of technology.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Mrs. Hornick
Mrs. Hornick
Technology Coordinator
CCS Technology Use Policy 2024-2025
As a student of Crosscreek Charter School (CCS) I have read and understand the Technology Use Policy and agree to abide by the rules of the policy.
I understand that use of technology devices at CCS is a privilege that can be revoked at any time.
I agree to use the CCS technology in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner.
I understand that the computer network is to be used for educational purposes only. I will not play computer games or engage in research that has not been approved by a teacher.
I will not disclose personal information about myself or other students over the network.
I will not share account information or passwords with others. In addition, I will not try to gain access to other student’s accounts or to other private information.
I will not attempt to download or install software that does not belong to the school district.
I will not insert a flash drive or other external devices into a computer unless a teacher has provided one for me or one has been approved by the technology coordinator.
I understand that computer viruses are very harmful to computers and will be as careful as possible not to cause such a problem. I will not use the CCS technology to write, modify or release viruses, Trojans, worms or other malicious mobile code. I will not use the technology to access underground boards or hacker sites, eavesdrop, break into or monitor CCS owned networks or computers owned by anyone anywhere; or as a tool to break access codes or to aid anyone else in such illegal activities.
I understand that technology is expensive and that the people who live in my school district have worked hard to buy this equipment for me to use. As a result I will take care of this equipment to the best of my ability and will not damage it in any way. I also understand that I, along with my parents or guardians, will be financially responsible for any and all loss or damage that occurs to the device(s) that has been provided for me.
I understand that teachers and other school staff members will monitor my use of technology. This includes their ability to read my electronic mail and examine files that I am working on. I give my permission for teachers and other school staff members to monitor my use of technology and access my files.
I understand that it is the responsibility of CCS faculty to perform all maintenance procedures on CCS technology. Therefore I will not download or delete documents, files, or the history from any of the CCS technology.
I understand that the device(s) I have been assigned is the property of Crosscreek Charter School and I am not permitted to modify or personalize the device or the “Desktop” on the device in any way. I understand this includes downloading / copying images to the device to personalize / change the background screen, and / or modifying the device login screen.