Enrollment FAQ's
We are fortunate to live in a state where parents can make the best educational choice for their children. Read below to better understand our approach to learning so that you can decide if Crosscreek Charter School a good fit for your child. Our FAQs are divided into 3 sections:
• Questions about Crosscreek Charter School
• Questions About the Enrollment Process and Lottery
• Questions about Charter Schools
Questions About Crosscreek Charter School
Q: Do you charge tuition?
A: Absolutely not. Charter schools are publicly-funded schools and do not charge tuition. Our school is open to any student domiciled in the state of North Carolina.
Q: What grades does the school offer?
A: CCS opened in August 2001 and we have grades K-8.
Q: Where is the school located?
A: We are located at 100 East River Road, Louisburg, NC.
Q: Do you offer a different curriculum that the traditional public schools in our area?
A. The CCS teachers teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Our students in grades 3 - 8 all participate in the End of Grade Tests in June. Being a charter school, we have the flexibility in our approach to teaching. We strive to teach the whole child. Our instruction is designed to meet children where they are developmentally. We then bring each child to a new level of success. We differentiate instruction based on the needs of the student(s) in the class.
In addition to the core academic subject of English/Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies, CCS offers computer, STEAM, music, and PE for all grades. We also offer band for grades 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Q: Are your teachers certified?
A: We strive to ensure that our teachers have prior experience teaching children at the appropriate grade level and have graduated from an accredited four year teaching program or have obtained graduate degrees in their teaching area.
Q: Do you offer sports?
A: For grades 6, 7, and 8 we offer volleyball, soccer, basketball, baseball & softball for middle school students.
Q: Do you offer after-school care?
A: Yes! Our after-school care program is offered every school day until 6:00 pm. Parents only pay for the days of use.
Q: What will be the hours of the school day?
A: School hours are from 8:10 a.m. until 3:10 p.m.
Q: What does your school calendar look like?
A. We are a modified year-round school. You can find the full calendar here.
Q: Do the students wear uniforms?
A: No. You can find information about the dress code in our Student-Parent Handbook on page 19. The handbook can be found in the Parent Resources section of our website.
Q: Do you provide lunch for purchase?
A: Yes. Lunches are available for purchase 5 days a week.
Q: Do you provide a Free/Reduced Lunch Program?
A: Yes. Families interested in the Free/Reduced Lunch Program will need to stop by the office to pick up an application. Returning families who were on this program last year will also need to stop by the office to reapply. Each family must complete a new Free/Reduced Lunch form each year to qualify and participate in this program
Q: May I come visit the school?
A: Absolutely! Please contact the school office at 919-497-3198 to schedule a tour.
Q: How do I get in touch with you?
A: You can call the school at 919-497-3198.
Questions About the Enrollment Process and Lottery
Q: How do I apply?
A. Follow this link for an application
Q: How can I apply if I do not have a computer or internet access?
A: Contact the school directly at 919-497-3198 to set up an appointment. There is a computer station in the school office for parents to use to complete the application process.
Q: If my child currently attends Crosscreek Charter School, do I need to apply again?
A: No, your child automatically has a space in the appropriate grade.
Q: Is your space limited in each grade?
A: Yes. In order to stay true to our charter, we must limit our class sizes. Open enrollment is the best way to secure a spot for your child.
Q: If my child is on the waitlist, do I need to contact you to find out where he/she stands on the list?
A: No, you will be automatically notified of any change in position on the waiting list. However, you are always welcome to call the school with general questions.
Q: My child is on the waitlist, but has moved down a spot. How is this possible?
A: Undoubtedly this is frustrating. We try to keep families together, so when one sibling is accepted and has another sibling waitlisted in another grade, that waitlisted sibling gets an enrollment preference, meaning they move to the top of the waitlist. This means that occasionally parents will see their children move down the list instead of up.
Questions About Charter Schools
Q: What is a Charter School?
A: Charter Schools are public schools that receive public money from the state and county. They are subject to strict financial and operational oversight through the Department of Public Instruction, but generally have more flexibility than traditional public schools. Charter schools may select their own curriculum and have freedom to structure their learning environment to suit students’ needs.
Q: How are Charter Schools funded?
A: Charter schools receive a share of both state and county education dollars based on the number of students who attend. They do not receive capital funds. Any building or transportation funds must come out of the school budget, instead of from the state coffers. As a result, charters must at all times operate in a lean and fiscally-responsible way. A 2014 study from the University of Arkansas shows that North Carolina charter schools out-perform traditional public schools in terms of student achievement and operate on about 83 cents on the dollar compared to their traditional counterparts.