Crosscreek Association of Parents and Teachers
Crosscreek Charter School has an active parent organization. All parents are part of CAPT. CAPT usually meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. We ask each parent to volunteer 4 hours per month. Volunteer hours can be in or outside of the classroom. Parent volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to assisting in the school library, assisting with school fundraisers, driving on school field trips, assisting the classrooms teachers with lunch or other class activities, helping on campus clean up days, etc... We understand that parent participation in a child's education makes all the difference. Parents are an essential piece to every child's success and we want you to be included. If you would like to volunteer but are not sure where to begin contact your child's teacher or the school's office.
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Discovery Center Legacy Program: Students and parents can purchase a book for the school library in memory or honor of a person or event. Each donations will be recognized in the Birds eye View and on a label in the book.