Student Life
Student Quarterly Assessment and Parent Teacher Conferences
At the beginning of each academic year parents/guardians will meet with their classroom teacher(s) to discuss each individual child’s Student Quarterly Assessment (SQA). The basic SQA form is tailored to include the academic and social goals and expectations for the year. Each SQA will contain academic goals and skills appropriate for that child and the grade level, derived from the NC Standard Course of Study. Other individually tailored goals may also be included.
At the end of each term teachers will schedule a conference with parents/guardians to discuss the child’s progress measured against the individual goals. Written comments and assessments are given to the parents/guardians at this time. A portfolio of student work will also be reviewed and discussed. It is an important time for full discussion of your child’s overall status and academic progress with the teacher. It is very beneficial if all parents/guardians attend these meetings.
Student Assessment
Teachers measure students’ daily progress using a variety of methods. Pre-assessments are used whenever possible (even if they are self-graded) so students can be given assignments that are challenging at their individual level. Students will be provided with timely, meaningful feedback. Parents will receive weekly examples of student work and feedback between SQA meetings. Cumulative progress is reported at SQA meetings.
CCS takes a mastery approach to learning. Each quarterly report will indicate when a student demonstrates mastery of the grade appropriate goals and objectives or whether either satisfactory, unsatisfactory or no progress has been made. Our school does not assign letter grades. At the end of each term parents are provided with a written report detailing the students’ progress with specific references to the SQA, the NC Standard Course of Study and work examples in the portfolio.
As a public charter school, CCS administers the state end of grade tests (EOGs) beginning in the third grade. In addition, a nationally standardized achievement test will be administered to all students periodically. Teachers understand the importance of standardized tests and help students approach testing comfortably. To that end, teachers provide practice situations under non-threatening conditions throughout the year. Teachers make sure that all EOG tested material is addressed during the academic year.
Homework is part of the instructional experiences of each student. We feel that it is a purposeful continuation and extension of the instructional program to be completed by the student outside the regular classroom setting with parental support and guidance. Homework assignments are conceived as both enhancing and reinforcing classroom lessons. As such, these assignments become critical tools in building strong foundations of knowledge.
Each student spends a major part of the weekday in class. Since there are other valuable experiences to be gained outside of school, homework shall be carefully planned regarding its volume, relevance and timeliness.